The control centre for your profile data
Always keep track of your travel profile(s), personal preferences, address, passport and credit card data and manage your memberships with airlines, hotels and rental car companies in real-time simply at the click
of your mouse. Thanks to state-of-the-art cloud technology and encrypted central data storage according to PCI-DSS regulations your data is not only accessible at any given time, but also safe and protected.
Functions at a glance
- Cross-platform profile data management (SaaS)
- Automatic data synchronisation in real-time
- Data encryption in accordance with PCI DSS
- Hosting on Swiss data servers
- Interfaces to the customary HR systems (SAP, Oracle, SAGE, etc.)
Added value for you
- Central data administration - automatic synchronisation
- Optional: access embedded in your own company portal
- Browser-based application - no local software installation required
- Maximum data security!