Expense reports are done within seconds
With btaEXPENSE - powered by Yokoy - time-consuming and nerve-racking processes for handling expense reports are a thing of the past. The entire process, from photographing the receipt to posting it to the ERP system, is completed in less than 5 seconds, thanks to artificial intelligence. Your finance team or accountant only has to deal with special cases. Corporate credit card transactions are automatically reconciled and booked with the recorded receipts.
Functions at a glance
- Fully automated process, based on artificial intelligence, consideration of different roles
- User-friendly & intuitive application, completely paperless, no need to send and receive lists etc
- Convenient submission via mobile App (iOS & Android) or Desktop
- Data Interfaces to most HR & Finance Systems
- On-time processing thanks to integrated reminder/alert function
Added value for you
- Significant cost savings thanks to fully automated process
- Powerful artificial intelligence technology, integrated handwriting recognition
- Swiss Product, Swiss Quality
- Ideal fit for companies of all sizes
- Highly competitive price/performance ratio
- Customers love it - find out more and contact us for more details!